Mine (yours, and ours)

My child…my world…

My wish is for her to grow up in a world where people are judged for who they are, and not by the color of their skin, not for who they love, who they worship, by their gender, or the size of their bank account.  My wish is for this world to become our world, where ‘live and let live’ is only the starting point, and where my children, your children, all children become ‘ours’ to educate, to heal, to care for so they are prepared and able to help make our world a better place.

And because it’s the right thing to do.

 That is my wish.

All words and images c2012 Naomi Baltuck


  1. i mayfly says:

    For the life of me, i do not understand why this is not the wish of all people. -Nikki

  2. It seems so simple and obvious, doesn’t it? Thanks for checking in, Nikki.

  3. rfljenksy says:

    Beautiful. I agree as well.

    1. Thank you for your visit, and sharing a comment.

  4. As a fellow parent, I appreciate this wonderful post very much, and agree 100%.

  5. Beautiful post accompanied with great photos.
    Love the magic in the second one!

    1. HI Pablo, thank you for stopping by. I appreciate your kind words.

    1. Thanks for checking in, Suzanne. Your comment brought a smile.

    1. Thank you, Maggie, for adding your voice.

  6. touching post – beautifully written Naomi

    1. Thank you–I appreciate your visit, and your kind words.

  7. scillagrace says:

    I am in agreement! Linked this post to my blog for the day. Thank you!

    1. Hi Scilla,
      Thank you so much for your generous comments. You are one of the best storytellers and writers that I follow. And I aspire to have the kind of adventures you have, like the one you tell about in this post:

      “Chainsaw Diabetes in the Face!”

  8. Your wish is mine. Together we have started a path just by stating this worthy wish. xx

  9. May our wish come true.

    1. Dear Lee,
      May it be so, may we make it so! Thanks so much for your visit, and taking the time to comment.

  10. pattisj says:

    May all our wishes come true for our next generation. Love the dandelion. 🙂

  11. Amy says:

    It really is a right thing to do. May our wishes come true. Thank you for the beautiful post, Naomi!

    1. Thank you, Amy, for sharing your thoughts, and for your kind comments.

  12. TheOthers1 says:

    Beautiful words. May they come true.

    1. With all my heart, C.C., I want it so, and with my vote and my voice, I will try to make it so.

  13. from your post to the worlds ears oh how I pray for such a beautiful world! great post Naomi.

  14. Awesome. I can’t understand why the whole world doesn’t wish the same way. Our children are our future and theirs too.

    1. Thank you, Tess, for your lending your thoughts and your voice. It IS hard to understand.

    1. I appreciate that. Thank you!

  15. adinparadise says:

    Do you think if we all wish this at the same moment, it might just happen?

    1. Wouldn’t that be nice?

  16. Thank you for stopping by, and taking the time to say nice things!

  17. simply beautiful Naomi!

    1. Thank you, Beth! I appreciate your visit.

  18. Carol says:

    Such a beautiful wish, accompanied by beautiful pictures. I do not know how this could not be the wish of all mankind.

    1. Hi Carol,
      Thank you for your visit. I am wondering if it will take more than a wish. Wishing is easy, but maybe I am starting to wonder if should have written instead about getting out to vote and try to make it happen.

  19. Yes, it’s a beautiful wish, but it makes me sad, too, thinking of all the destructive and selfish people who are so set on destroying this world.

    Those are such lovely photos. And, along with you, I wish, I wish, I wish, for our children’s sakes, that beauty triumphs.

    1. Hi Sarah,
      It is sad, isn’t it? Thank you for your thoughtful comment. Now I’m trying to figure out how to make it happen. Of course, we can start in this country by exercising our right to vote.

  20. Beautiful….and why can’t it just be? ♥

  21. Grace says:

    Very well said. Parents unite! 🙂

  22. diannegray says:

    I love your wish. I wish everyone had your wish – I know I do 😀

    1. I wish so too, Dianne. Thanks for stopping by.

  23. Cathy G says:

    Hi Naomi, thank-you for a beautiful vision of what we could become…

  24. When we all treat other beings to the best of our ability, then peace will become possible, so I am in full agreement with you Naomi.

    1. Hi Keith, I appreciate your stopping by and sharing your thoughts.

  25. eof737 says:

    How beautiful… She is radiant too. 🙂

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth. You can’t tell from there, but I’m smiling.

  26. Subhan Zein says:

    She’s so cute, and am sure is blessed with pure soul. And she’s so lucky to have a mother like you. 🙂

    Subhan Zein

    1. Dear Subhan,
      You are so sweet! I am so blessed to have a daughter like her!

  27. frizztext says:

    or the size of their bank account – yes, it’s a shame, but in Germany parents try to separate their children from the poor multi-cultural society – using private Catholic schools avoiding public schools with poor or foreign kids …

  28. Amy says:

    Beautiful vision for the world, Naomi!

  29. Carol says:

    If only we could cast a spell and make this everyone’s wish – one we all would hold close and make happen.

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